Centers for the treatment of drug addictions (CFTODA) or specialized departments for the treatment of drug addictions in psychiatric hospitals (DFTODA) are facilities dedicated to the treatment of all substance and non-substance addictions. If you are interested in treatment, it is important to visit your psychiatrist, who will write you a proposal for treatment and send the proposal to the selected facility. In the case of an acute condition, detoxification treatment in the catchment area before onset is recommended first (it is possible to complete it in a specific CFTODA). The proposal will be sent to the medical examiner of the relevant health insurance company and after receiving the consent you will receive an invitation to treatment with a specific start date.

Center for Drug Addiction Treatment Banská Bystrica

Cesta k nemocnici 55, 974 01 Banská Bystrica

MUDr. Martin Somora – primary doctor: Phone: +421 902 533 061 E-mail:

Veronika Končoková – head nurse: Phone: +421 903 901 830 E-mail:

Mobile: +421 901 911 912 – ambulance


CFTODA in Banská Bystrica is a specialized facility for the treatment of people addicted to alcohol and other psychoactive substances. It consists of two closely cooperating parts – outpatient and inpatient part.

Center for Drug Addiction Treatment Bratislava

The facility offers outpatient programs that are used to contact clients who are interested in treatment. These outpatient programs include psychiatric care, professional counseling, individual and group psychotherapy. For heroin addicts, methadone substitution treatment is provided. Social counseling and outpatient groups are offered to relatives. The basis of institutional treatment is a structured treatment regimen. It consists of a detoxification stay, a medium-term treatment lasting 10 to 12 weeks and a strengthening stay lasting 1 to 2 weeks.

Hraničná 2, P.O.BOX 51, 827 99 Bratislava

Phone: +421 2/ 53 41 74 64; +421 2/ 53 41 74 67; +421 2/ 53 41 74 72


The facility offers outpatient programs consisting of an initial psychiatric examination, participation in educational groups and group psychotherapies, individual consultations or the use of medication prescribed by a doctor. The recommended duration of treatment is at least one year for all types of addiction (substance and non-substance). The facility also offers a 14-day detoxification program, which includes regimen therapy, group psychotherapy, occupational therapy, art therapy, educational seminars and, if necessary, pharmacotherapy. The detoxification program is followed by a medium-term treatment program lasting 10 weeks, with an emphasis on psychotherapy. The goal of treatment is to change your lifestyle, gain an overview of your illness, change attitudes and habits, correct behavior and plan for the future in abstinence. The offer of programs also includes methadone treatment for people addicted to heroin.

Center for Drug Addiction Treatment Košice

Skladná 2, 041 90 Košice

Director: MUDr. Boris BODNÁR, Telephone: +421 55/6222848

Head nurse: Mgr. Eva DUCHOVÁ, Phone: +421 55/6222848

Ambulance: +421 55/6222848


CFTODA in Košice treats patients with both substance and non-substance addictions. They are mainly engaged in diagnostics and treatment, as well as counseling, aftercare and work with the clients’ family. They strive for comprehensive care and assistance to all who suffer from addiction. The target group is patients with problems related to the use of alcohol, addictive drugs, other psychoactive substances, gambling, uncontrolled shopping, telephone calls, obsession with social networks and internet. The recommended duration of medium-term inpatient treatment is 8 weeks. Before there is the possibility of resp. the need to undergo detoxification treatment for 2 weeks. CFTODA also offers its former patients two-week strengthening stays to achieve abstinence. Recommendation from GP or psychiatrist is not a condition if you are interested in outpatient treatment. Its program also includes the possibility of substitution treatment for heroin addicts.

Specialized Psychiatric Medical Institute – Center for Drug Addiction Treatment – Predná Hora

Muránska Huta, časť Predná Hora 126, 049 01 Muráň

Telephone: +421 58 / 4866 111 – Reception


The institute in Predná Hora offers comprehensive institutional care consisting of medical, psychotherapeutic and nursing care, including diagnosis and treatment of addiction-related disorders. The institute has five departments divided according to the type of addiction and according to the severity of the physical and mental consequences of the addiction. They also provide outpatient care for the public, which, in addition to the treatment itself, is also focused on providing counseling services and information. The facility also offers aftercare in the form of group psychotherapies, which take place once a month.

Specialized Hospital, Center for Drug Addiction Treatment Žilina

Pod Laščeky 278, 010 03 Žilina – Považský Chlmec

Telephone: +421 41/ 500 76 92 (number serves centrally)

Mobile: +421 918 994 456


The center deals with the treatment of substance addictions (alcohol addiction, other non-alcoholic addictions – marijuana, methamphetamine, opiates, volatile substances, etc.), as well as the treatment of gambling addiction. Institutional treatment takes place in a community (32 people) mixed in terms of type of addiction and gender. The basic method is the system of therapeutic community, regimen treatment and group psychotherapy. This means that patients in treatment work every day according to a well-defined program, within the established rules of the treatment regimen and community, and most of the treatment takes place in a group. Cooperation with the family is necessary and welcome. The treatment, as in other CFTODAs, lasts 10 weeks.

Addiction treatment is carried out on an outpatient or institutional basis. As part of the aftercare process, we offer meetings of a group of abstinent addicts – the Club of Addicts at CFTODA.

Center for Drug Addiction Treatment Rieka Ltd.

Na vodopád 184, 038 54 Šútovo

Telephone: +421 43 / 42 95 071


CFTODA Rieka is a smaller specialized medical facility for 20 patients focused on the treatment of mental disorders caused by the effects of addictive psychoactive substances, on the treatment of non-substance addictions and depression with a focus on personality growth. The basic treatment program lasts 3 months. In addition, the facility offers a three-week stay to treat recurrence of the disease (so-called “stopping the stroke”) and a two-week booster treatment (once a year for abstinent patients). Treatment is a combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. Psychotherapy takes place mainly in a group, marginally and individually. It is complemented by education, movement, occupational therapy, art therapy, music therapy, practice of relaxation techniques, bibliotherapy and self-study. They use classical cognitive behavioral psychotherapy in combination with systemic transformational psychotherapy according to the model of Virginia Satirová. Treatment in this facility is reimbursed from compulsory health insurance only by Union and Dôvera health insurance policyholders.

Philipp Pinel Psychiatric Hospital Pezinok – Department of Drug Addictions

Malacká cesta 63, 902 18 Pezinok

Telephone: Reception clinic: +421 33/6482 153, doctor during working hours: +421 33/6482 130

Outside working hours, call the gatehouse +421 33/6482 111, (or 123 or 360 instead of 111)


The Department of Drug Addiction is a part of the psychiatric hospital in Pezinok. It provides comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and other psychoactive substance addiction and pathological gambling in adult independent patients. The treatment is psychotherapeutic and regimen oriented. It also focuses on the complications of addictions such as withdrawal syndrome, pre-irritant condition, the initial stages of alcoholic psychosis without suicidal risk. It is divided into 3 separate departments with a special regime and therapeutic community. The duration of standard treatment is 10 weeks.

Sanatorium AT

Osuského 10, 851 03 Bratislava – Petržalka

Telephon: +421 2/622 46 466, 24/7 service: +421 905 503 258, Monday – Friday: 7:30 – 16:00: +421 905 886 618


Sanatorium AT is a specialized workplace for the treatment of addictions, which takes care of patients in the outpatient and inpatient (inpatient) form and clients in the form of resocialization and bridging. Compared to other facilities that help people with addictions, the AT Sanatorium emphasizes the patient’s own decision on how long the stay in sanatorium will last, as they respect the time for adaptation. In the sanatorium, they work with their own method of treatment and their own therapy developed by the director of the facility – new therapy. As this facility is private, a higher financial participation of the client should be expected than with state facilities.

Psychiatric Hospital Hronovce

Dr. Jána Zelenyáka 65, Hronovce, district Levice , 935 61

Telephone: +421 36 7577 200 – liaison +421 36 7577 201 – director’s secretary


The Psychiatric Hospital in Hronovce has its own department for the treatment of drug addictions, both substance and non-substance. They have three programs of their own divided according to whether the patient needs to be treated for physical or mental as well as physical consequences. The third program is intended for those who do not accept the nature of their disease and need treatment. This includes patients who are undergoing court-ordered protective anti-alcohol or anti-drug treatment. Therapeutic methods have their focus mainly in group psychotherapy with the use of strengthening psychotherapeutic methods (music therapy, art therapy, bibliotherapy, psychogymnastics, relaxation techniques), then in individual psychotherapy, in sports and recreational activities. After the end of the hospitalization and nursing process, patients are encouraged to attend outpatient treatment and invited to attend an after-treatment anti-alcohol and anti-drug program in the form of a one-week stay in the therapeutic community.

Psychiatric Hospital Veľké Zálužie

Rínok 334, 951 35 Veľké Zálužie

Phone: +421 37/6548 911 – director; +421 37/6548 111 – telephone exchange;


In addition to the treatment of psychoses, neuroses and depression, the psychiatric hospital also deals with the treatment of addictions. Patients are divided into departments according to the severity of their condition and the type of their addiction. The treatment takes place in the form of group and individual psychotherapies supported by the various equipment of the rehabilitation department. It provides cultural and recreational programs, sports activities, physical therapy, occupational therapy and art therapy. The hospital also offers educational programs for relatives, abstinent clubs and aftercare stays for addicted patients. The length of the treatment stay is usually 10 to 12 weeks.


We do not support the use of any drugs. The information on the article tries to minimize the risks associated with drug use. Taking any substance can lead to serious health and other problems. With the published information, we try to minimaze the negative effects of drug use on health and life. Avoid drug use if possible. This will prevent the problem and the risk of drug addiction. Visit the help section and seek professional help.

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