Abstinent clubs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (abbreviation AA), Drug Addicts Anonymous (DAA), Players Anonymous (PA) or other clubs are non-profit self-help groups of people who suffer or have suffered from addiction (however, some clubs may have a guarantor in the form of a therapist, psychiatrist / psychiatrist, clinical psychologist or other health or social worker). Clubs like AA or DAA have an accurate Twelve-Step Program – a method for overcoming disease needs, complexes, and compulsive patterns of behavior. Other clubs with different names have their own methods based on the healing power of group dynamics. Through feedback, participants can gain insight and find understanding. These clubs are mostly open to accepting new members. In smaller towns, but also in municipalities, there are usually only clubs of abstinent alcoholics, but most will also accept people with other addictions (we recommend that you find out in advance by phone or e-mail about the conditions in a particular club). In larger cities, there are also specialized clubs for abstinent drug addicts or abstinent players. Clubs often cooperate with hospitals and mediate various strengthening short stays to maintain abstinence. The clubs also cooperate with each other and organize various trips, hiking, barbecues, etc. Drug treatment centers organize their own groups of sober and relatives of addicted.

The following list of abstinent clubs is sorted alphabetically by city in Slovakia.

Klub abstinujúcich závislých – Bánovce nad Bebravou

Meeting place: Dom Apoštolskej cirkvi, Ulica SNP 460, 957 01 Bánovce nad Bebravou

Meeting day and time: every Friday at 18:00

Mobile: 0907 592 876

Email: klubazbanovce@gmail.com

Byska – Banská Bystrica

Meeting place: CPLDZ, Cesta k nemocnici 55, 974 01 Banská Bystrica

Meeting day and time: every Tuesday at 16: 30-18: 30

Email: wolt@cpldz-bb.sk

Klub abstinujúcich narkomanov – Banská Bystrica

Meeting place: CPLDZ, Cesta k nemocnici 55, 974 01 Banská Bystrica

Meeting day and time: every Thursday at 17:00

Mobile: 0902 051 079

Email: pavol.zvarik62@gmail.com

A1 Club – Bratislava

Meeting place: AT Sanatorium, Osuského 10, 841 01 Bratislava

Meeting day and time: every Monday at 17:00

Mobile: 0910 907 591

ALFA-club – Bratislava

Meeting place: Leisure Center, Gessayova 6, 851 03 Bratislava

Meeting day and time: every Wednesday at 17:30

Mobile: 0910 907 591

A2 Club – Bratislava

Meeting place: AT Sanatorium, Osuského 10, 841 01 Bratislava

Meeting day and time: Tuesday at 16:00

Mobile: 0905 620 652

Email: polcer.jozef@golemtech.sk

AA – Bratislava

Meeting place: CPLDZ Hraničná and Counseling of Psychological Services Tomášikova

Meeting day and time: first Thursday at 18:30, second Wednesday at 18:30

Mobile: 0905 620 652


Meeting place: Hraničná č. 2, Bratislava, 827 99

Meeting day and time: Tuesday at 17:00

Mobile: 0905 648 702

Email: mvaradinek@zoznam.sk

H-Club – Bratislava

Meeting place: AT Sanatórium, Osuského 10, 851 03 Bratislava

Meeting day and time: every Tuesday and Thursday at 19:30 – 21:00

Mobile: 0917 621 610

A-club HRON – Brezno

Meeting place: Nám. M. R. Štefánika 2, 977 01 Brezno

Meeting day and time: first and third Tuesday of the month at 15:00

Mobile: 0911 481 415

E-mail: bozena.szantoova@gmail.com

Klub abstinentov – Brezová pod Bradlom

Meeting place: Budovateľská 379/46, 906 13 Brezová pod Bradlom

Meeting day and time: every odd week on Friday at 18: 00-20: 00

Mobile: 0904 172 652

Email: kment.milos@stonline.sk

AK – Motýľ – Čadca

Meeting place: Church of St. Jozef Robotník – Pastorational Center, SNP 1315, 022 04 Čadca

Meeting day and time: every Friday at 16:00

Mobile: 0911 133 065

Email: jozefjw@post.cz

AK – Choč – Dolný Kubín

Meeting place: Nám. Ján Vojtaššák 1551/1 (Church in Brezovec), 026 01 Dolný Kubín

Meeting day and time: first and last Friday of the month at 16:00

Mobile: 0905 573 315

Email: lassak.frantisek5@gmail.com

A-club – Dunajská Streda

Meeting place: Bartók Korzo 781 Municipal Cultural Center, 1st floor no. 111, 929 01 Dunajská Streda

Meeting day and time: every Wednesday at 18: 30-19: 45

Mobile: 0944 153 250

Email: aklubdunstreda@gmail.com

Stretnutia abstinentov – Galanta

Meeting place: Dom Matice Slovenskej v Galanta, Bratislavská cesta 1458/71, 924 01 Galanta

Meeting day and time: every Tuesday at 18: 00-20: 00

Mobile: 0905 240 916

Email: lega@mail.t-com.sk

Fénix – Abstinent Club – Handlová

Meeting place: Partizánska ul. 38, 972 51 Handlova

Meeting day and time: every Thursday at 16:00

Mobile: 0917 581 192

Email: jankavankova35@gmail.com

HAK – Handlovský abstinence club – Handlova

Meeting place: Dom kultúry, Nám. miners, 972 51 Handlová

Meeting date and time: 15:30 every Monday

Mobile: 0915 287 657

Email: jholica@gmail.com

Archa A-Club – Hlohovec

Meeting place: Františkánske nám. 1 (Pastoral Center Krtko), 920 01 Hlohovec

Meeting date and time: odd Thursday at 18: 00-20: 00

Mobile: 0905 239 056

Email: lubjano@gmail.com

KLUS – Humenné

Meeting place: May 1, 2680/19, 069 01 Snina

Day and time of the meeting: 1st, 3rd, and 4th Wednesday of the month at 16:00

Mobile: 0918 334 774

Email: slavo.novak@orangemail.sk

KRASA A-club – Kanianka

Meeting place: Parish Office, Lipová 547, 972 17 Kanianka

Meeting day and time: every Friday at 18:00 to 20:00

Mobile: 0907 742 359

Email: aklubkrasa@gmail.com

AA Kežmarok

Meeting place: Kežmarok High School – ground floor, Hviezdoslavova 18, 060 01 Kežmarok

Meeting day and time: every Monday at 16: 00-17: 00

Mobile: 0918 592 090

SET – Spolok extra triezvych – Kežmarok

Meeting place: MsKS, Starý trh 46, 060 01 Kežmarok

Meeting day and time: second Tuesday of the month at 17:00

Mobile: 0915 909 447

Email: set@slavino.sk

AK – Dobrý pastier – Kláštor pod Znievom

Meeting place: Dom u Terezky

Meeting day and time: every odd Tuesday at 15:00

Mobile: 0950 707 136

Email: ziman.dusan@gmail.com

AK KYSUCA – Kysucké Nové Mesto

Meeting place: CVČ sv. Jakuba ul. Janka Jesenského 2928, Kysucké Nové Mesto (on the 1st floor in the parish library)

Meeting day and time: Tuesday at 16:00

Mobile: 0949 679 848

Email: aklubkysuca@gmail.com

Priatelia života – A club – Košice

Meeting place: CPLDZ, Skladná 2, Košice, 040 01

Meeting day and time: first and third Friday of the month at 17:00

Mobile: 0907 132 898

Email: priateliazivota@centrum.sk

KA – Kremienok – Kremnica

Meeting place: Ambulance PhDr. Annerovej, Hospital with polyclinic, Sládkovičova 11, 965 37 Žiar nad Hronom

Meeting day and time: Tuesday at 16:00

Klub abstinujúcich Goral – Lendak

Meeting place: Parish office building, Kostolná 134/55, 059 07 Lendak

Meeting date and time: Every other Friday of the odd week at 19:00

Mobile: 0944 250 221

Email: hudak.pavol1930@gmail.com

Klub abstinentov – Nový začiatok – Levice

Meeting place: MsKS Junior 5th floor, no. 506, Sladkovicova 2, 934 01 Levice

Meeting day and time: second and fourth Thursday of the month at 16:30

Mobile: 0918 023 264

Email: aklublevice@azet.sk

KOČ – Kruciata oslobodenia človeka – Levoča

Meeting place: Útulok sv. Františka, Košická 2, 054 01 Levoča

Meeting day and time: Every Thursday at 17:00

Mobile: 0908 452 589

Email: romus@post.sk

Abstinentský klub MAJÁK – Liptovský Hrádok

Meeting place: Seniors Club in the House of Culture, J. D. Matejovie 591/14, 033 01 Liptovský Hrádok

Meeting day: every even Friday of the month at 14:30

Mobile: 0908 106 782

Email: cervenanskyp@gmail.com

Klub Nádej – Liptovský Mikuláš

Meeting place: Dom kultúry – Klub Nádej OZ, 031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš

Meeting day: every Monday at 16:00

Mobile: 0911 639 973

Email: aklubnadej@gmail.com

A-club Lučenec

Meeting place: Ul. Rázusa 22, 964 01 Lučenec

Meeting day and time: first Wednesday of the month at 14:00

Mobile: 0907 881 129

LEMAK – Levársko-malacký klub abstinentov – Malacky

Meeting place: Enter n. o., 1. mája 2382/15, 901 01 Malacky

Meeting day and time: every odd week on Friday at 16:00

Mobile: 0905 777 150

Email: lemak1991@gmail.com

Klub martinských abstinentov – Martin

Meeting place: Evangelical parish, Memorandovo nám. 1003/13, 036 01 Martin

Meeting day and time: every Monday 17: 30-19: 30

Mobile: 0918 247 179

Email: peter.debnar@gmail.com

MINI KLUS – Medzilaborce

Meeting place: Eurohotel Laborec (hunting lounge), Andy Warhol 195/28, 068 01 Medzilaborce

Meeting day and time: second Monday of the month at 18:00

Mobile: 0907 971 634

ZAS – Zemplínska abstinujúca spoločnosť – Michalovce

Meeting place: Partizánska 23, 071 01 Michalovce-Stráňany

Meeting date and time: first Monday of the month at 15:30

Mobile: 0915 866 311

Email: mrimko@post.sk

AK- Modrý Kameň – Veľký Krtíš

Meeting place: Internal outpatient clinic, psychiatric outpatient clinic NsP, Banícka 1, 990 01 Veľký Krtíš

Meeting day and time: last Monday of the month at 16:00

Abstinentský klub Bodva – Moldava nad Bodvou

Meeting place: Poliklinika, Ul. ČSA 35 (basement, no. 30), 045 01 Moldava nad Bodvou

Meeting day and time: even weeks on Wednesday at 17:00

Mobile: 0911 644 956

Email: akbodva16@azet.sk

Klub abstinentov – Myjava

Meeting place: Jánošíková 383/4, 907 01 Myjava

Meeting day and time: every odd week on Thursday at 16:00

Mobile: 0905 838 514

Email: hrin.stevo@gmail.com

A-club – Nitra

Meeting place: Restaurant OKO – conference part, Fraňa Mojtu 6, 949 01 Nitra

Meeting day and time: Tuesday at 16:00

Email: klozik.frant@zoznam.sk

AK – Maják– Nitra

Meeting place: Center for Counseling and Intervention Services Budúcnosť, n. o., Wilsonovo nábrežie 82, 949 01 Nitra

Day and time of the meeting: 2., 4. and the 5th Thursday of the month at 16: 00-18: 00

Mobile: 0908 022 452

Email: buducnostno@gmail.com

A-club – Nové Mesto nad Váhom

Meeting place: House of Culture, Hviezdoslavova 4, 915 01 Nové Mesto nad Váhom

Meeting day and time: every even Thursday at 16:00

Mobile: 0903 220 080

Email: fitness.jarabek@centrum.sk

A-club – Omšenie

Meeting place: 914 43 Omšenie č. 17

Meeting day and time: every even week on Friday at 20:00

A-club Jaseň – Oravska Jasenica

Meeting place: Parish Office, 018 17 Jasenica no. 329

Meeting day and time: every Wednesday at 18:00

Mobile: 0917 915 226

Email: akjasen@gmail.com

ALFA – Pezinok

Meeting place: Hrnčiarska 44, 902 01 pezinok

Meeting day and time: odd Thursday of the month at 17:00

Mobile: 0904 329 326

Email: jozefpolacek@zoznam.sk

A-club – Piešťany

Meeting place: Jesuit Pastoral Center, Poštová 1, 921 01 Piešťany

Meeting day and time: every Thursday at 18:00

Mobile: 0908 778 663

Email: hrutka@centrum.sk

Club of abstinent families POKORA – Poprad

Meeting place: Catholic University, Embankment of John Paul II. 15, 058 01 Poprad

Meeting day and time: every Wednesday at 17:00

Mobile: 0911 875 006

Email: lemada333@gmail.com

KLUS – Poprad

Meeting place: Kino Máj, Scherffelova 15, 058 01 Poprad-Veľká

Meeting day and time: last Thursday of the month at 16:00

Mobile: 0907 920 454

Email: larisa@stonline.sk

A-club – Považská Bystrica

Meeting place: Hospital with polyclinic, Psychiatric ward, Nemocničná 986, 017 01 Považská Bystrica

Meeting day and time: first Wednesday of the month at 15:30

Mobile: 0907 705 671

Email: bslob@centrum.sk

Klub abstinujúcich pri Modrom domčeku – Považský Chlmec

Meeting place: Center for Drug Addiction Treatment, Pod Laščeky 278, 010 03 Žilina – Považský Chlmec

Meeting day and time: every Thursday at 17:30

Mobile: 0911 202 169

SPAS – Klub abstinentov Juraja Marianiho – Predná Hora

Meeting place: Klubovňa Obecného úradu, 049 01 Muráň 329

Day and time of the meeting: the first Saturday of the month at 9:00 to 12:00

Email: spas.predna.hora@centrum.sk

KAHAN – Prešov

Meeting place: Domov nádeje, Jarková 79, 080 01 Prešov

Meeting day and time: every Thursday at 16: 00-18: 00

Mobile: 0904 738 360

Email: domovnadeje@gkcharita-po.sk

KPA – Klub prešovských abstinentov – Prešov

Meeting place: Požiarnicka 17, 080 01 Prešov

Meeting day and time: every Wednesday at 16:00

Mobile: 0905 564 838

Email: harcarjakub@gmail.com

KAPP – Club of abstinent friends in Prievidza – Prievidza

Meeting place: Cultural and Social Center, F. Madvu 11, 971 03 Prievidza

Meeting day and time: every Thursday at 16:00

Mobile: 0917 330 043

Email: info@kapp.sk

SAP – Spolok abstinentov Prievidza – Prievidza

Meeting place: Priemstav, Hviezdoslavova 475/3, 971 01 Prievidza

Meeting day and time: every working Thursday at 15: 45-17: 45

Mobile: 0908 325 289

Email: sap.prievidza@gmail.com

POHODA – Revúca

Meeting place: House of Culture, Námestie slobody 14, 050 01 Revúca

Meeting day and time: every Wednesday at 17:00

Abstinent Club – Mat

Meeting place: House of Culture, Školské nám. 409/3, 906 38 Mat

Meeting day and time: every Thursday at 19:00

Email: zas1@mail.t-com.sk

RAK – Ružomberský abstinentský klub – Ružomberok

Meeting place: Central Military Hospital SNP, Psychiatric Department, Považská 1380/2, 034 01 Ružomberok

Meeting day and time: every Thursday at 16: 00-18: 00, last Saturday of the month at 9: 30-12: 00

Mobile: 0908 522 334

Email: danka.mydlova@gmail.com

KLUS – Sabinov

Meeting place: Charity House, November 17, 8, 083 01 Sabinov

Meeting day and time: second Thursday of the month

Abstinent Club – Senica

Meeting place: Záhorácke osvetové stredisko v Senici, Vajanského 19/5, 905 01 Senica

Meeting day and time: every odd week on Monday at 16:00

Email: aklub.senica@gmail.com

AK – Spišská Nová Ves

Meeting place: Štefánikovo nám. 1, 052 01 Spišská Nová Ves (meeting room, 1st floor)

Meeting day and time: every Friday at 17:00

Email: rastislav.michlik@post.sk

A-club PL Sučany – Sučany

Meeting place: Psychiatric Hospital Sučany, Rehabilitation Department, Hradiská 23, 038 52 Sučany – north

Meeting date and time: the first Tuesday of the month at 16:00

Mobile: 0902 169 291

KATO – Klub abstinujúcich Topoľčany – Topoľčany

Meeting place: Slovak Red Cross, Stummerova 327, 955 01 Topoľčany

Meeting day and time: third Monday of the month

Mobile: 0914 191 266

Email: miso1@pobox.sk

A-club Gemer – Tornaľa

Meeting place: Municipal Cultural Center, Hlavné nám. 5, 982 01 Tornaľa

Meeting day and time: last Saturday of the month at 10:00 to 14:00

Mobile: 0918 850 251

Email: info@aklubtornala.sk

KAJZT – Klub abstinentov Južného Zemplína – Trebišov

Meeting place: Psychiatric ward, Hospital with polyclinic, Ul. SNP 1079/76, 075 01 Trebišov

Day and time of the meeting: the third Thursday of the month at 16:00

Mobile: 0908 061 640

Email: jasso@nettrebisov.sk

KAT – Klub abstinentov – Trenčín

Meeting place: Palackého 9, 911 01 Trenčín

Meeting day and time: every Monday at 16:00

Mobile: 0905 700 838

Email: janvaclavzeman@azet.sk

A-club – Trnava

Meeting place: Retirement Home, Okružná 20, 917 00 Trnava

Meeting day and time: Tuesday at 17:00

Mobile: 0902 179 935

Email: gemela.gimi.vlado@gmail.com

KLUS – Trnava

Meeting place: Rybníková 15, 917 01 Trnava

Meeting day and time: every Wednesday at 17: 00-19: 00

Mobile: 0911 828 411

Email: jarko.pinkas@gmail.com

Otvorené srdce – Trnava

Meeting place: Municipal Polyclinic Trnava, 1st floor, Starohájska 2, 917 01 Trnava

Meeting day and time: every Monday at 16:00

Mobile: 0911 180 276

Email: hornyykz@wmx.sk

STROP – Stretnutia rodinných príslušníkov pri A-klube – Trnava

Meeting place: Okružná 20, 917 01 Trnava

Meeting day and time: Monday around the 20th day of the month at 17:00 to 19:00

Mobile: 0903 411 998

Email: tduranova@gmail.com

A-club – Trstená

Meeting place: Retirement Club, Malý rad, 028 01 Trstená

Meeting day and time: every Wednesday at 18:00

Mobile: 0907 146 661

Email: aklubtrstena@gmail.com

A-klub pri psychiatrickom oddelení – Trstená

Meeting place: HNsP Psychiatric Department Library, Mieru 549/16, 028 01 Trstená

Meeting day and time: second Tuesday of the month at 14:00

Tel: 043/53 07 298

Email: psychiatria@nsptrstena.sk

Nádej – Turčianske Teplice

Meeting place: Klub Nádej, Ul. Partizánska 418/4, 039 01 Turčianske Teplice

Meeting date and time: odd Wednesday at 16: 00-18: 00

Mobile: 0908 924 632

Email: piliarovamilada@centrum.sk

Abstinentský klub ZMENA – Tvrdošín

Meeting place: Farská 86/34, 027 44 Tvrdošín (1st floor)

Meeting day and time: every Thursday at 18:00

Mobile: 0905 731 900

Email: celkope@gmail.com

Abstinentský klub POHODA – Ťapešovo

Meeting place: Old school

Meeting day and time: Tuesday at 19:00

Mobile: 0944 019 339

Email: igorbubala1@gmail.com

A-club DÚHA – Veľké Zálužie

Meeting place: Psychiatric Hospital, Rínok 334, 951 35 Veľké Zálužie

Meeting day and time: last Monday of the month at 14:00

Mobile: 0907 394 952

Email: tibor1955@gmail.com

Abstinentský klub – Biela Orava – Zákamenné

Meeting place: pastoral center Zákamenné

Meeting day and time: every Thursday at 19:00

Mobile: 0915 954 927

Email: madlenak@centrum.sk

Abstinentský klub – Zbrojníky

Meeting place: Zbrojníky Cultural House

Meeting date and time: the third Friday of the month at 17:00

Mobile: 0949 074 474

Email: palinonen@gmail.com

Abstinentský klub – Nádej – Zvolen

Meeting place: University Pastoral Center, M. R. Štefánika 545/20, 960 01 Zvolen

Meeting day and time: first and third Monday of the month at 16:30

Mobile: 0907 497 322

Email: vierahaz@centrum.sk

Abstinentský klub – Dôvera – Žilina

Meeting place: Kapucínov Monastery, Jezuitská 6, 010 01 Žilina

Meeting day and time: every even Monday at 5:30 p.m.

Mobile: 0904 954 904

Email: verlik@centrum.sk

Abstinentský klub – Žilina

Meeting place: Kapucínov Monastery, Jezuitská 6, 010 01 Žilina

Meeting day and time: every Friday at 16: 00-18: 00

Mobile: 0902 756 310

Email: jpapaj@centrum.sk



We do not support the use of any drugs. The information on the article tries to minimize the risks associated with drug use. Taking any substance can lead to serious health and other problems. With the published information, we try to minimaze the negative effects of drug use on health and life. Avoid drug use if possible. This will prevent the problem and the risk of drug addiction. Visit the help section and seek professional help.

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