At present, there are several resocialization facilities in Slovakia, whose focus in the management of drug addiction lies in group (community) therapy. Their purpose is to overcome the psychological, physical and social consequences of drug and other addictions and to enable participation in life in the natural environment. A longer stay in a resocialization facility (RF) can be initiated by the adult client himself / herself, a parent, a social and legal protection institute and guardianship or a court. The entry to RF is usually accompanied by cooperation with health professionals (from the field of psychiatry and clinical psychology), even if the current law has waived the condition of previous detoxification in a health facility (most facilities, however, require previous successful outpatient or inpatient treatment). The financing of residential therapy in the RF stems from multiple sources (local authorities, financial grants, etc.), but the financial participation of the client is also assumed. If the stay in the RF is ordered on the basis of social and legal protection and guardianship of children, it is financed from the resources of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family.


Petrovce 2, 072 62 Petrovce

Phone: +421 56/6593 100


ReSocia is a non-profit organization consisting of several facilities in the Prešov and Košice self-governing regions, focusing on activities supporting a full return to social life after a previous treatment of addiction in another facility. The program consists of 4 phases. In the first three, the client is placed in one of the facilities during which he/she works in the garden with organic crops and livestock. Emphasis is placed on the development of manual skills and psychological traits leading to personal growth. The fourth phase, in which the institutional resocialization ends with the integration into the work process, is implemented in the city of Košice – Ťahanovce Municipal District with a capacity of 16 places. Every client included in this phase is obliged to work in any form of employment. Social workers are helpful in getting a job and accommodation.

Provital – House of life without drugs

Hviezdoslavova 509/32, 972 41 Koš pri Prievidzi

Mobile: +421 905 475 127, +421 915 743 069


The target group of the center are adult individuals addicted to any drugs. The center provides social protection measures for both men and women from the age of 18. The resocialization program consists of three phases (adaptive-motivational, corrective-educational social-rehabilitation), which last a total of 20 months. During these phases, the client acquires work and social habits.

Community Ľudovítov – House of Hope without drugs

Ľudovítov, part Šopy 3, 941 11 Palárikovo

Mobile: +421 904 804 099


Facilities for adult and minor clients with a capacity of 6 beds for girls and 34 for boys. The facility in Ľudovít has its own garden with livestock. Care for them is part of the resocialization process divided into 5 phases (adaptive, self-cognition, change phase, resocialization, integration) in the total length of 78 weeks.

Pahorok, non-profit organization Bohunice

Bohunice 101, no. 116, 935 05 Pukanec

Phone: +421 36/63 309 50

Mobile: +421 905 752 831


The target group of the center are people over 18 years of age. There is no maximum age limit specified. The target group is men, addicts to alcohol, drugs, male gamblers, addicts to games, computers and various non-substance addictions. The capacity of the facility is for 15 clients. Like other facilities, this facility has its own farm with the animals and crops that clients take care of during their stay.

Nelegál, non-profit organization Šurany

area Okomáň, 942 01 Šurany

Mobile: +421 907 797 503, +421 905 655 861


The resocialization process at the Šurany facility is intended for people with substance and non-substance addiction aged 18 to 62, lasts approximately 12 months (maximum 24 months) and builds on the steps of Anonymous Alcoholics and Anonymous Drug Addicts. It consists of three phases: 1. humility – to accept what I cannot change, 2. courage – to change what I can change, 3. wisdom – to distinguish these things from each other.

Nádej – Reménység, non-profit organization

Hlavná 196, 946 21 Veľké Kosihy

Phone: +421 35/77 971 50


The center with a resocialization program, which provides assistance to addicts in Slovak and Hungarian, is designed for men addicted to alcohol, drugs and pathological gambling between the ages of 18 and 55 and their families. They provide long-term residential care on the basis of the therapeutic community and the Christian faith. Their common goal is to reintegrate dependent people into society, the family and the labour market.

COR Centrum, non-profit organization

Janka Jesenského 889/2, 963 01 Krupina

Mobile: +421 948 041 531, +421 948 041 532


COR Center is a rehabilitation facility designed for adults under the age of 62 who have been diagnosed with drug, alcohol and pathological gambling addiction.


Kráľová 540, 960 01 Zvolen

Mobile: +421 903 536 555, +421 903 533 061


The Návrat-RDZO Accredited Center for Children and Families provides an aftercare process for young people addicted to all types of substance and non-substance addictions. The family-type community consists of a maximum of twelve men from the age of 18. Like other rehabilitation facilities, Návrat has its program divided into several phases, culminating in a reintegration phase. The whole process lasts from 18 to 24 months.

Resocialization facility ROAD Tomky, non-profit organization

Osada Tomky 664, 908 79 Borský Svätý Jur

Mobile: +421 903 762 211, +421 911 762 210


ROAD Tomky is a resocialization facility designed for children from 15 to 18 years. During the process, it offers group and individual therapy, occupational therapy, field therapy, and after proper completion, it is possible to continue in the 5th phase of sheltered housing in Bratislava.

Retest Bratislava

Ľadová 11, 811 05 Bratislava

Mobile: +421 903 642 602


RETEST offers a comprehensive resocialization program ranging from 16 to 24 months, divided into 5 phases, which are aimed at acquiring the skills needed for long-term abstinence and integration into life. In cooperation with the Crisis Center Dom na pol ceste – Civic organization Brána do života, after the resocialization program has been properly completed, it offers a subsequent possibility of sheltered housing, participation in sociotherapeutic group sessions, assistance in the form of repeated strengthening stays and participation in selected activities of the center.

Teen Challenge Slovakia, non-profit organization

P.O.BOX: 34, Vážska 1876/38, 926 01 Sereď

Mobile: +421 950 506 191


Teen Challenge addresses men over the age of 18 who have a problem with alcohol addiction, drugs and pathological gambling. At the center, their goal is to provide effective assistance to clients who have an addiction problem. The center’s clients are provided with a comprehensive community-type resocialization program based on Christian values.

Civic organization Manus

Blažeja Bullu 4828/15, 036 08 Martin-Priekopa

Mobile: +421 915 844 102


The target group of the Civic organization Manus are men over the age of 16 after completing treatment (detox) for drug and other addictions. The capacity of the facility is 15 men. The length of stay/program is divided from 14 to 19 months into 4 phases and 2 sub-phases. The individual phases divide the treatment process according to the sequence of processes in individual areas and the complexity of tasks that client faces.

Z-Návrat Center, non-profit organization

Ul. Nová cesta 385, 029 42 Bobrov

Phone: +421 43/55 870 26

Mobile: +421 910 908 606


The Z-Návrat Center provides care for men over the age of 18 after the end of outpatient or inpatient treatment for both substance and non-substance dependence. The capacity of the two separate buildings is 14 places, while the resocialization program consists of six phases. The last phase is a complete return to the natural environment. The optimal length of stay is 12 to 24 months.

Šanca, non-profit organization

072 41 Remetské Hámre no. 114

Phone: +421 56/69 810 10

Mobile: +421 905 602 905


The non-profit organization Šanca provides resocialization in order to activate the client’s internal abilities to overcome the personal and social consequences of drug addicts and to participate in life in the natural environment. The target group is men over 18 years of age, with a capacity of 6 places. The condition is the completion of outpatient or inpatient treatment.

Civic organization Adam, Resocialization Center Adam

Road from Kútov to Holíč 1336, 908 45 Gbely – Adamov

Phone: +421 34/6597721

Mobile: +421 907 779 666


The group in OZ Adam is structured with precisely defined moral and ethical boundaries and has high demands on individuals. It teaches and promotes positive behaviors and motivates its members in a lifestyle that is incompatible with alcohol, drug or pathological gambling. It consists of 10-15 men over the age of 18 who start and end their resocialization program continuously and individually, which means that there are people in the group at different stages of the program, at different levels of experience with abstinence, and thus it is possible to share their experience.

Resocialization facility Filius Paul

Žibritov 9, 963 01 Krupina

Mobile: +421 917 854 932


The target group is a mixed community for adult and minor clients from the age of 14 who have successfully completed treatment, detoxification or a have a referral from a psychiatrist or guardian.


We do not support the use of any drugs. The information on the article tries to minimize the risks associated with drug use. Taking any substance can lead to serious health and other problems. With the published information, we try to minimaze the negative effects of drug use on health and life. Avoid drug use if possible. This will prevent the problem and the risk of drug addiction. Visit the help section and seek professional help.

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